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Intro to Becoming an Antiracist Organization

March 12, 2021 9:30 am – 12:00 pm Pacific
Sangita Kumar, Aminta Steinbach
Intro to BAO leaf logo

The events of police brutality and racial injustice highlight that systemic and institutional racism still abounds in our country. While protests rage in the streets, what about the internal culture of your organization? How did you acknowledge the context for your staff? How were black staff supported to endure yet another wave of highly visibilized lynchings? What are the ways your organizational practices replicate dominant culture internally?

In this 2.5-hour interactive session join other organizational leaders in an exploration of how white supremacy ideals become embedded in organizational practices, and strategies to re-design both policies and practices to actively promote anti-racist culture.

We won’t get it done in two and a half hours but here’s what we will do in this introductory session:

  • Ground in our own bodies, and acknowledge the role racial identity has played in the formation of our identities.
  • Unpack the layers between white supremacy, everyday racism, and antiracist transformative practices.
  • Use a series of guided questions to design transformative antiracist organizational practices."
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